• LCHV | Ligue canadienne de hockey virtuel | Ligue de hockey simule STHS


# Name Position Potential Draft Year
1 Patrik Puistola LW 7.5 19
2 Carter Berger D 6.0 19
3 Jackson Kunz C 6.0 20
4 Malte Setkov D 5.0 17
5 Alexander Pelevin D 0.0 22
6 Dyllan Gill D 0.0 22
7 Hunter Haight C 0.0 22
8 Jakub Vondras G 0.0 22
9 Petr Hauser RW 0.0 22
10 Rutger McGroarty RW 0.0 22
11 Bogdan Konyushkov N/A 23
12 Calum Ritchie N/A 23
13 Connor Levis N/A 23
14 Emil Jarventie N/A 23
15 Gemel Smith N/A 0
16 Jachym Kondelik N/A 18
17 Jesse Nurmi N/A 23
18 Joona Luoto N/A 0
19 Logan Brown N/A 0
20 Luke Coughlin N/A 23
21 Michael Krutil N/A 20
22 Nikolai Makarov N/A 21
23 Pascal Laberge N/A 16
24 Pavel Francouz N/A 0
25 Saku Maenalanen N/A 0
26 Sawyer Mynio N/A 23
27 Thomas Greiss N/A 0
28 Tyson Galloway N/A 21
  Realistic Potential Rating (1-10)
10 -Generational talent
9 -Elite forward / defenseman / goaltender
8 -First line forward / No. 2 defenseman / No. 1 goaltender
7 -Second line forward / No. 3-4 defenseman / journeyman No. 1 goaltender
6 -Third line forward / No. 5-6 defenseman / Backup Goaltender
5 -Fourth line forward / No. 7 defenseman / depth goaltender
4 -Top minor league forward / defenseman / goaltender
3 -Average minor league forward / defenseman / goaltender
2 -Minor league role-player
1 -Borderline minor league player

Realistic Probability Rating (A-F)
A -All but guaranteed to reach potential
B -Should reach potential, could drop 1 rating
C -May reach potential, could drop 2 ratings
D -Unlikely to reach potential, could drop 3 ratings
E -A player that will not report to their CHL team
F -A player possessing little potential

Full Details of the Chart at HockeysFuture.com